Could Mr. Vorheesville survive to become Mr. New York?

9:52 PM JilinTour.Com 0 Comments

Two years ago, Leigh-Taylor Smith Miss New York 2008, was invited to Mr. Vorheesville and didn’t exactly know what to expect.  It was a pageant for high school boys as a fundraiser supporting the high school volleyball team and SADD – Students Against Destructive Decisions.  Well, I’m glad she didn’t tell me too much about the event so that I could be as blown away as I was.  I had a blast, let me tell you.  12 guys competed in a Survivor-themed opening number, casual wear, talent, evening wear and on-stage questions.  The emcee was hysterical, constantly badgering Max to my right, Mr. Vorheesville 2009 (good choice Leigh-Taylor!), a clear crowd favorite.  

this photo just captures so much -- this kid was hilarious!
talents as unique as the unicycle
evening wear with their escorts - perhaps this is why JD won
Judging was hard!  I guess it set me up for this summer…  Your Mr. Vorheesville 2010 is JD, a soccer- and baseball-playing, sports-loving gentleman with a cool swagger and heartfelt preparation.  Hey, I announced that he is more than welcome to come on down to compete in Mr. New York on June 13th as our kick-off event of pageant week!  We’ll see if he comes!  The 7 hours I spent in the car with Linda Carbo were undoubtedly hilarious and awesome – the next girl is really in for a treat with this one J

me with all the Mr. Vorheesvilles - what great guys!
 Here's an update for you -- Max Schuster, Mr. Vorheesville 2009 (far right) is an official contestant in Mr. New York 2011!

Great photos thanks to Mitchell Joyce Photography    Flickr Album: Mr. Vorheesville

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