SPOTLIGHT - My "Little Sisters" :)

1:46 PM JilinTour.Com 0 Comments

I recieved the most wonderful package in the mail the other day from my "Little Sisters" from Miss Delaware!!!  I have to put up pictures of the things they got me!  Since I know they read my blog, this is the perfect opportunity to say HELLO to them!!!!! I love you guys and you made my Miss Delaware win so much better!  They had written me a note a couple days before saying that they knew I was going to win and to always remember them!  Well, I ALWAYS will and you guys are the best!  I knew from the first moment we started talking about our love for food, especially pizza, and Call of Duty, that they would be a part of my life FOREVER!!!  Girls, keep an eye on the mail in the next week or two :))  To their mom, a former Miss Delaware, thank you for already looking out for me and I hope to see you soon!


"The greatest love a person can have for his friends is to give his life for them."

                                                                     - John 15:13

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