If You Want Things Done, Do Them Yourself...
I promised to blog specifically about my Tim Qualls interview.Here we go.
I was asked to perform my talent on the Tim Qualls Show. Awesome? Yes. No question there.
I picked out my music and had my dance all ready to go. The last piece of the puzzle? Press "burn" on itunes to put my dance music on a cd. Easy enough.... So I asked my sister, Christine, to do that small feat for me. Two minutes later, she handed me the cd. Piece of cake. NOT.
I arrived at the show a little early. I wanted enough time to meet the producers, meet the audience, and go over my dance a few times. I was dressed and ready to go on in 5 minutes when the producer walked up to me. She told me that the cd I gave her was blank. Blank....BLANK?!?! As in no music blank?!?! CHRISTINEEEEE!!!!!!
I gave the producers of the Tim Qualls Show a cd with nothing on it. A present, if you will. Needless to say, I had to pretend like that happens to me all the time and came up with something new in 30 seconds...typical.....
Ladies and Gentlemen, my offical, Irish Dancing (minus my music) debut on the Tim Qualls Show...
ps. I love you, Christine!
"For thou, LORD, hast made me glad through thy work: I will triumph in the works of thy hands."
(Psalm 92:4)