Miss Minnesota
In fact, Natalie has tons of Miss America photos here, on her blog...
Natalie is certainly not the only one, but she's one of the best contestants who have kept a blog and updated it fairly regularly throughout her reign. We love her latest posts… a whole series entitled, “Miss Minnesota 101” which consist of everything from ‘What to pack for pageant week’ and her 'Favorite Products’!!! Obviously, such posts aren’t limited to only Minnesota – if you’d like to see them for yourself, just check them out here...
Samantha Phillipi - 2nd runner up in 10 and 11, prelim swimsuit winner
Siri Freeh - beautiful, 1st runner up and prelim talent winner in '10, did not compete in '11
Rebecca Yeh - violin player (ala Gretchen Carlson), young but smart!
Prelims for Miss Minnesota 2012 begin Thursday! Best of Luck Ladies!!!